My name’s Lucy Crosbie, when I started this blog back in 2006 I’d just started work on my first allotment. Several years and two beautiful little girls later I’ve decided to rekindle my blog and chart my progress on my own garden in Knaresborough, North Yorkshire through this online diary.

My penchant for Gardener’s Question Time hasn’t wavered and now the kids are growing up, I’d like to introduce them to gardening and show them the pleasure you can get from gardening at any age…Anyway keep checking back as I plan to post at least once a twice a month with what I’m sowing, planting, harvesting and hopefully cooking!

And just in case you wondered why I called my blog “Ragged Radishes”, well that want the first vegetable I ever grew and if I’m honest they were pretty ragged – let’s hope I have more success this time round.